Frankie Marcos & Clouds are some the architects of the 'Miami Sound' that began in the 305 in the late 70s and early 80s. This blend of styles set trends across countless musical boundaries and in anticipation of his celebration concert on November 11th, at Dade County Auditorium, gen ñ founder Bill Teck spoke to Frankie about his music and his career.
This 'En Español episode of Miami Now features an in-depth talk with Frankie about being the first artist of his kind to play in the former soviet union,about recording with the voice of Beny More ala Nat King Cole and Natalie, about his many hits (DiscoTango, Con Tu Blanca Palidez, Amor Velero, etc...) about The Miami Sound, friends like Carlos Oliva, Roberto Torres, Hansel y Raul and Lucy Grau - who'll be appearing in concert with them on the 11th, his start playing sax in high school bands here in Miami, etc...